Unibloc Blog

A Guide to Choosing Motors for Sanitary Pumps

By | February 7, 2022

If you want to choose the right kind of sanitary pump for your processing or manufacturing needs, then you need to make some important decisions first:

Do you need sanitary diaphragm pumps or centrifugal? Would it be better to go with high pressure diaphragm pumps or air-operated double diaphragm pumps? What kind of temperature controls and throttling do you need? How much shear can your manufacturing process withstand?

But even after you’ve calculated all of the configurations and done all of your research on the best kind of pump for the job, the battle is only half over. The next decision you need to make is just as crucial:

What kind of motor should I use with my sanitary pump?

Again, the answer may depend on a variety of factors. Selecting a pump and motor combination that allows for maximum efficiency is key to a productive workflow. Here are a few considerations you’ll want to bear
​ in mind when choosing the right motor for sanitary pumps:

  • Power Load
    The first thing you want to do is make sure that you won’t overload the power to your flow curve. You need a motor with horsepower enough to meet the operation capacity of the pump in use. Typically, that means choosing a motor that can deliver 20% to 30% more power than minimally required, just to be on the safe side.

  • Materials:
     Some of the delicate electrical components of a motor may be sensitive to erosion or combustion. Be sure to choose a motor engineered to withstand corrosive environments if you’re dealing with concentrated acids or alkalies, for example, or a flame-retardant material for highly combustible liquids. Pharmaceutical operations in particular need to concern themselves not only with sanitation and safety, but with cost-effectiveness. Remember: 17.9% of the pharmaceutical industry’s total revenue is spent on research and development, so you can’t afford a single drop to go wasted.x

  • Conditions
    Your work environment itself may play a large role in the kind of pump motor you need. Is noise an issue where a motor may be running for long hours? Do you require a brushless motor with low maintenance? Are there aggressive fumes present in the pump area? Survey your own surroundings for a better sense of your ideal motor qualities.

Pairing the perfect pump and motor with the job at hand is something of a learned art. For the best advice on how to choose the right motor for the right electrical pump, contact Standard Pump today.


Calle Danielsson is a sales engineer with Unibloc Hygienic Technologies, a manufacturer focused on sanitary pumps for food and beverage, pharmaceutical, bakery and confection, meat and poultry, brewery and transportation environments. He specializes in helping customers select the ideal pump for an application.

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