Unibloc Blog

Global Diaphragm Pump Market Expected to Grow By 2020

By | January 3, 2022

According to the newest market study from Technavio, a global technology research and advisory company, the global demand for diaphragm pumps is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% through the year 2020.

The driving force behind the increase is likely the wide range of uses for diaphragm pumps, whether as a sanitary pump transfer device in the food and beverage sector or for precise flow measurement in pharmaceuticals or chemical manufacturing.

The largest end-user segment of the diaphragm pump market is still the water treatment industry, however water is not only extremely valuable but also incredibly scarce in some regions of the world. By 2030, global water demand is projected to rise to 6,350 cubic kilometers, up from 4,500 cubic kilometers in 2010.

That increase in demand for water will spill over into an increased need for water treatment operations. Diaphragm pumps are essential for treatment processes like coagulation, iron sequestration, and disinfection, as well as helping ​with odor control, phosphorous control, and solid conditioning.

Overall, water treatment accounts for 18% of all diaphragm pump use throughout the world. Many developed countries may already have diaphragm-based water treatment systems in place, but other parts of the world are only beginning to implement country-wide measures to provide safe and accessible water for all.

“In emerging countries like China and India, the municipal water infrastructure is in a dire condition since large sections of the population in these countries lack access to clean water,” said lead engineering tools analyst at Technavio, Anju Ajaykuma. “The growing population in urban areas has led to an increase in the demand for high-quality water for drinking and household purposes.”

On top of water treatment applications, both high-pressure and sanitary diaphragm pumps can be used for the oil and gas sector, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and other areas of industry.

An increased variety of uses combined with many still-growing global markets means that more and better diaphragm pumps will be needed to properly manage all kinds of liquid transfer, measurement, and treatment processes. Improved manufacturing abilities through the use of 3D printing technology may also help fuel market growth.


Leighton Jones is the director of sales for AODD pumps for Unibloc Hygienic Technologies. Jones has more than 20 years of experience working with applications using pumps within the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and beverage, and chemical industries.

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