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Innovative QuickStrip FoodFirst pump now available in all standard sizes

By | October 23, 2022
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Customer Demand Fuels New Size Range for Patented, Proven Sanitary Pump Technology

Customer demand for our patented, proven sanitary pump technology has prompted Unibloc Hygienic Technologies to expand our QuickStrip® FoodFirst pump series. Find a full range of sizes from the QS FF 300 to the QS FF 677. Depending on discharge and flow required, the outlet sizes on our QuickStrip pumps are now available in 1.0 inches to 6.0 inches in diameter, and flow rates from 28 gallons per minute up to 500 gallons per minute. This line expansion builds on our 35-year history of bringing patented and proven technology to tackle challenging sanitary applications in the food and beverage and related industries.

The QuickStrip FoodFirst patented technology was designed to minimize foreign material risk, streamline maintenance and sanitation procedures, and maximize both food safety and worker safety.

  • Eliminate foreign material. Its all-stainless design contains no rotor bolts or O-rings. This helps eliminate the most common causes of foreign material entering the process stream. This also aids with metal and x-ray detectability, reducing a source of possible contamination, and improving your process.
  • Streamline sanitation. The QuickStrip simplified design, with its tool-free disassembly, targets the sanitation cycle, the most common cause of equipment damage and source of foreign material contamination. The one-way, repeatable assembly better handles the challenges of scheduled sanitation and maintenance procedures and helps guarantee proper performance. It also reduces precious downtime for a lower total cost of ownership over the life of the pump.
  • Improved worker safety. An innovative swing arm supports the cover during sanitation and maintenance procedures. This increases worker safety while making cleaning easier.

“In a challenging labor market, this line expansion opens up new potential for food processors, especially in the meat and poultry processing arm of the industry, to save time devoted to pump sanitation while protecting worker safety,” said Mark Boyd, Vice President of Sales. “Creating more available outlet sizes enables companies to maintain desired flow and hygienic standards across a broader range of processing needs.

In addition, discover how our unique Safety Swing Arm supports the cover during maintenance and sanitation. The design makes disassembly for cleaning or other maintenance procedures simpler, safer, and easier, to protect the working crew, prevent equipment damage, and improve efficiencies.

Unibloc Pump’s product line offers critical sanitary process manufacturing equipment for applications targeting the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, bakery and confection, meat and poultry, brewery, and transportation industries. Within the past two years, we have tripled our plant footprint to increase capacity and better serve our customers. Our simple, easy to clean in place (CIP) pumps or clean out of place (COP) pumps help companies cut downtime required for sanitation procedures for a lower cost of operations.

Trying to decide which sanitary pump style best suits your needs and helps meet the FDA’s CGMP requirements? Before buying, it’s important to gather all your information and ask the right questions. Learn more about the expanded line of QuickStrip FoodFirst pump series and its innovative performance characteristics. https://unibloctech.com/contact/


Calle Danielsson is a sales engineer with Unibloc Hygienic Technologies, a manufacturer focused on sanitary pumps for food and beverage, pharmaceutical, bakery and confection, meat and poultry, brewery and transportation environments. He specializes in helping customers select the ideal pump for an application.

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