Unibloc Blog

Make the Right Choice for Your Next Sanitary Pump

By | September 19, 2022

There are multitudes of hygienic pump styles available, each designed for numerous sanitary applications in the food processing, chemical and pharmaceutical, or biotechnology industries. Pumps transport and meter liquids, solutions, and slurries through pipeline systems. Depending on the size of the facility, there might be hundreds of different types of pumps operating at any given time.

Each hygienic pump must meet individual industry requirements for sanitary standards, for both material selection and functionality, however within these guidelines, each style pump offers different design features and capabilities to handle the demands of various applications.

With so many choices, ever wonder if there is a pump style that might supply better service, greater durability or easier maintenance than your current equipment?

Compare and Contrast the Different Features of Sanitary Pumps

Our new infographic provides some basic comparisons of the different features, strengths and shortcomings of six major pump types suitable for food and beverage processing and other industries with strict hygienic requirements. Refer to this visual guide to find top-line descriptions of pump compatibility for:

  • Product Integrity
  • Maintenance Requirements
  • Facility requirements
  • CIP procedures
  • COP availability
  • Performance

Finding a pump that meets production needs is paramount, evaluating criteria such as flow rates, pressure ratings, the sensitivity of products to shear, etc. Operational requirements are equally as important in an era of rising energy costs, limited plant space and a scarcity of qualified labor. Basic questions to ask about hygienic pump types would include:

  • Is it designed to handle a wide range of viscosities?
  • Can dry runs lead to pump damage or failure?
  • Is the pump easy to maintain or does it require a skilled technician?
  • Will scheduled maintenance require extensive downtime?
  • Does this pump fit within space constraints, or rather, does it occupy a large footprint?

How to Select the Appropriate Hygienic Pump 

Understanding the various options available and differences between pump types can help guide your selection. As a start, our infographic could help you identify the questions you need to ask next.

For a deeper dive into the criteria to consider for selecting food & beverage sanitary pumps, we offer a free guide available for download. Our Buyer’s Guide: Food & Beverage Sanitary Pumps lays out what to look for in design and components, offers design specs for selecting and sizing pumps and more. Download your copy now.

Need more help or ready to design your solution? Contact Us today or Request a Quote to start your solution.


Calle Danielsson is a sales engineer with Unibloc Hygienic Technologies, a manufacturer focused on sanitary pumps for food and beverage, pharmaceutical, bakery and confection, meat and poultry, brewery and transportation environments. He specializes in helping customers select the ideal pump for an application.

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