Unibloc Blog

When and Why to Use AODD Sanitary Pumps

By | December 6, 2021

While there are many different kinds of sanitary pumps out there, few are as versatile or as popular as air-operated double diaphragm pumps, or AODD pumps. This technology makes it possible to control the flow transfer of a wide variety of materials under strict sanitary conditions, making it appropriate for industries from cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to food and beverage, and more.

Here’s everything you need to know about when and why you should be using AODD sanitary pumps for your commercial applications.

How the Air-Operated Double Diaphragm Works

As the name suggests, AODD sanitary pumps include two diaphragms, connected in the center with an alternating shaft. This separation creates an efficient barrier between the liquid being pumped and the air force used to direct the transfer. As one valve ushers compressed air into the system, the other releases the contents to their desired location. This helps keep the system incredibly sanitary without compromising the material makeup of the fluids.

Versatile Application Solutions

AODD sanitary pumps are capable of transferring materials of low or high viscosity, from simple water to 90% solid base materials. The dry-run system can also be easily controlled for pump speed to enable precise measurements or sensitive transfers without frothing or separation.

Who Uses AODD Pumps?

While this kind of technology is especially useful for industries with strict sanitary guidelines, such as USDA food handling regulations or 3A certification standards, AODD pumps are also useful for paints and coatings, ceramics, and water treatment in mining industries. The cosmetics industry, which generates $56.63 billion in the U.S. every year, can also benefit from AODD technology to handle the wide variety of viscous materials used in combination for many of its products.

While the demands and applications of your industry will inform what kind of pump is best suited to your needs, the pump you choose could also radically transform the way you operate. For support and guidance on how to choose the right kind of pump — sanitary or industrial, AODD or otherwise — contact Unibloc Hygienic Technologies. Our knowledgeable staff can help you make the right choice.


Leighton Jones is the director of sales for AODD pumps for Unibloc Hygienic Technologies. Jones has more than 20 years of experience working with applications using pumps within the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and beverage, and chemical industries.

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